Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Our Vision

Design | Dynamics | Propulsion | Mechanics | Systems

Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Our Approach

Aerospace | Renewables | Infrastructure | Technology

Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers

Professional | Methodical | Discrete | Recyclable

Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers

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About Us

|> Approach Vision Method Partnership

|> Approach Vision Method Partnership

Before we take action on your behalf, creating tailor-made solutions to your needs, Consortium’s consultants immerse themselves in your organisation, forging a deep understanding of what you do – and what you want to do. Whether we’re consulting on executive recruitment or leadership development all of Consortium’s work involves people. The kind of people you need to drive forward your organisation: creators and innovators, leaders and strategists.

Our Approach

Our consultants pride themselves on their ability to penetrate our client organisations, ensuring they truly interpret the right development path for that individual organisation and operate as a genuine partner.
Dealing with people at this highest level means listening and understanding are crucial to Consortium’s ethos.

Getting to the heart of your organisation and understanding what – and who – you need in order to achieve the greatest success. Maybe even sometimes encouraging you to rethink your initial brief – and who – you need in order to achieve the greatest success. Maybe even sometimes encouraging
you to rethink your initial brief

Did you know UK Employers say that an unprofessional font is one of their top 10 CV hates?


Want to get the right, qualified and skilled candidates without wasting time looking at unprofessional CVs?
Get in touch with Consortium Recruitment now!

Our Vision

We believe in building long standing relationships with clients based on deep mutual trust and our commitment to achieve measurable results for them.

We work across the kinds of sectors which demand detailed insight and industry knowledge, including transport and technology, our consultants endeavour to become immersed in our clients’ organisations, living and breathing their work, before we create a tailor-made answer to their needs.

Did you know that around 43% of CVs are discarded because they are written in the third person?


Want to get the right, qualified and skilled candidates without having to deal the self-promotion of illeism'?
Get in touch with Consortium Recruitment now!

Our Method

To show you how we act on your behalf to have the most profound and positive impact on your organisation, we break our processes down into the five clear stages. To achieve measurably great results for you, our consultants listen to your needs, question your brief, digest your company’s requirements and culture, suggest creative and innovative solutions and remain constantly on standby to take swift and effective action on your behalf.

Working with talent at the highest level requires insight, caution, care, negotiation and sensitivity. A huge number of steps are involved in every project Consortium Recruitment undertakes for you. We manage to impress our global clients by exceeding their expectations time and time again with our efficiency and professional approach.

On average, 50% of job vacancies in the UK remain unfilled after one month.
One in two vacancies are still open after 30 days with around 25% of job vacancies still open after three months!


Want to decrease the time your positions remain unfilled? Get the right, qualified and skilled candidates for your open positions?
Get in touch with Consortium Recruitment now!

Partner With Us

Consortium Recruitment services are extensive- sourcing, recruiting and nurturing talent – and yet also highly specialised, with bespoke solutions that are tuned in to your business, your people and your operational goals.

Having Consortium Recruitment acting on your behalf could be the most powerful business tool you ever discovered. We endeavour to become an integral part of your organisation. We will also help you to attract, retain, develop and nurture the kinds of leaders and innovators who create real value.

Our consultancy services cover executive recruitment through to leadership development, establishing sustainable practices that really support your company’s strategic objectives.

We are proud to have the expert insight and sector knowledge demanded by our major international clients, whose areas of operations span industry, transport and technology.

If you’d like to discuss your requirements further, please get in touch with a member of our team.

Partner With Us | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers

Your Recruitment Partners

Let’s start the journey towards success and enhance your Recruitment environment. Take your business to the next level.

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